Angular 2

On its own, Raven.js will report any uncaught exceptions triggered from your application. For advanced usage examples of Raven.js, please read Raven.js usage.

Additionally, Raven.js can be configured to catch any Angular 2-specific exceptions reported through the angular2/core/ExceptionHandler component.

TypeScript Support

Raven.js ships with a TypeScript declaration file, which helps static checking correctness of Raven.js API calls, and facilitates auto-complete in TypeScript-aware IDEs like Visual Studio Code.


Raven.js should be installed via npm.

$ npm install raven-js --save


Configuration depends on which module loader/packager you are using to build your Angular 2 application.

Below are instructions for SystemJS, followed by instructions for Webpack, Angular CLI, and other module loaders/packagers.


First, configure SystemJS to locate the Raven.js package:

  packages: {
    /* ... existing packages above ... */
    'raven-js': {
      main: 'dist/raven.js'
  paths: {
    /* ... existing paths above ... */
    'raven-js': 'node_modules/raven-js'

Then, in your main application file (where bootstrap is called, e.g. main.ts):

import Raven from 'raven-js';
import { bootstrap } from 'angular2/platform/browser';
import { MainApp } from './app.component';
import { provide, ExceptionHandler } from 'angular2/core';


class RavenExceptionHandler {
  call(err:any) {

bootstrap(MainApp, [
  provide(ExceptionHandler, {useClass: RavenExceptionHandler})

Once you’ve completed these two steps, you are done.

Webpack, Angular CLI, and Other Module Loaders

In Webpack, Angular CLI, and other module loaders/packagers, you may need to use the require keyword as part of your import statement:

import Raven = require('raven-js');  // NOTE: "require" not "from"
import { bootstrap } from 'angular2/platform/browser';
import { MainApp } from './app.component';
import { provide, ExceptionHandler } from 'angular2/core';


class RavenExceptionHandler {
  call(err:any) {

bootstrap(MainApp, [
  provide(ExceptionHandler, {useClass: RavenExceptionHandler})